infinity massage program
Our goal is to provide a well-rounded massage therapy training to meet the needs of the clients that select us to be their massage therapist.
Utilizing years of practical experience, Infinity's curriculum was developed to successfully meet those needs. To be a successful massage therapist, one must have a variety of skills and a certain level of proficiency in those skills.
The classes in this program have been selected to appropriately develop those skills.
anatomy of the body
Emphasis of training is on muscle location and function along with:
understanding the relationships between muscles, tissues, and other required systems.
Having a solid foundation of knowledge for functional anatomy, kinesiology, postural distortion, and how all of this applies to the massage selection is the beginning to successful therapeutic applications.
massage modalities
All massage techniques are about skilled professional touch.
From traditional Swedish Massage to Deep Tissue application,
understanding the "how and when" to apply these techniques is key.
Success comes from not only a well rounded education, but also from
appropriate hours of training in each skill.
Courses included in these area of training are:
Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue, Structural Balancing,
Sports Massage, Clinical Applications, Pressure Applications,
Energetic Applications, Asian Theory, Reflexology, and Chair Massage..
structural massage training
From a client's perspective, a massage therapist should be able to provide relaxation and stress management massage and also correctly adapt their skills to provide pain management or therapeutic applications.
Pain management skills are not necessarily about deep pressure.
These skills are rooted in how we assess client's needs and correctly apply
our massage skills. Understanding body mechanics and problem solving components
are taught throughout this curriculum.
Specific courses are geared in this training such as Kinesiology, Deep Tissue,
Neuromuscular Therapy, and Sports Massage training.
business and ethics
There are 2 areas of success after you graduate that we instruct in:
successful employment and successful self employment.
Both require training to assist in finding or creating the best possible
financial future in massage therapy.
Having training in resume development or business plan development
are given equal time. To be a professional in the massage therapy
field, we also provide quality ethical training to help each student adopt the
integrity and standards to be successful in this industry
Any hands on training is only successful through practice.
In our clinical setting, the student has the opportunity to expand their knowledge by working with real clients under supervised instruction.
Each student is required to complete 110 hours of clinical training.